I decided to enter a game called hat attack where the pattern is released at a certain time and we all race to knit as fast as we can and post the hat off to our Target, whilst trying to beat our own assassin from killing us with a hat-lol.
The hat is gorgeous and was designed especially for this game and it is based on binary numbers with no cable representing 0 and cables representing 1 in binary code.
Here is the hat I made for my Target called Sunshinesbetter on ravelry, I had to knit my hat and get it off to Singapore. On the weekend of the pattern release I waited up until 1.30 am on Sunday morning which is when it came through to Australia and 1st thing I notice is it uses long tail cast on which I have never done!! So I printed it off and went to bed ready to start fresh in the morning. I woke up after being woken every 30 minutes all night by the baby, to find that miss 4 had developed another kidney infection and was pretty miserable and cuddly and Cassi was feeling sick and under a lot of stress about test results from her oncologist, also Hubby had preexisting plans to go out, so I sat and watched a dvd my daughter miraculously produced which I had previously bought for her which showed how to do the long tail cast on. I then got started in fits and bursts through the day to try and get it down under less than perfect circumstances. I also had managed to make a couple of the children new hats whilst swatching to get correct guage for the hat attack hat which was good . Here is a picture of it on Cassi and 1 of it laid out to see it properly. I hand dyed the wool.
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