I decided today was the day to institute Finally Finishing Friday and put some of my UFO's off the needles!
1st I sewed up Logans pants to match and they are done and finished and they fit him-yay!
So I tackled the navy classic cardigan and it is So done and finished-Yay
Then I tackled the Debbie Bliss baby bunny who is now sewn up but not finished as I am hunting for stuffing but shes sewn! I will update when I find it and shes finished properly-Hopefully today!
I will see what else I can get done tonight!
I am so happy to have some of the 95% done knitting finished so I can concentrate on more important things and have my needles ready if I need them as well :0)
Oh and I finished the front of Logans cabled funnel neck jumper( My 1st cabled jumper)