I decided today was the day to institute Finally Finishing Friday and put some of my UFO's off the needles!
1st I sewed up Logans pants to match and they are done and finished and they fit him-yay!
So I tackled the navy classic cardigan and it is So done and finished-Yay
Then I tackled the Debbie Bliss baby bunny who is now sewn up but not finished as I am hunting for stuffing but shes sewn! I will update when I find it and shes finished properly-Hopefully today!
I will see what else I can get done tonight!
I am so happy to have some of the 95% done knitting finished so I can concentrate on more important things and have my needles ready if I need them as well :0)
Oh and I finished the front of Logans cabled funnel neck jumper( My 1st cabled jumper)
You are putting me to shame, Mel! I should be finishing things and I'm just not! The washer flooded my workroom, though, so things are all over the place drying out. :O/. I did knit coasters the other day in the car, and felted them when I got home, and finished my cousin's handbag, which now needs lining. On to finishing socks and their mates! Sometimes I wish humans had one foot. No second socks.
Impressive! And oh sooo satisfying.
HI Samm and Amanda,
I am trying to keep it up, I was kniytting away on the striped red and stone sweater yesterday on the way home in the car and it was getting dark so I keep knitting and its all going well until I get home and realise I dropped 1 stitch right on the edge on the side I am carrying the threads when I change colour and the upshot is that after trying to pick it up a few times I ended up ripping out 4.5 inches of knitting :0(
So sade as I was nearly finished! I now have about 6 invches of the back to go and then I will be finished, I just wasn't going to be happy with the fix.
Cheers, Mel
Always better to end up with a product that you like, After all it just means more knitting and we love knitting, right?
absolutely we love our knitting, I have not managed a single stitch in 2 days!!!
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