I really wanted Cassi to have a fantastic birthday and one of the 21st things she does is ask is there any mail for me, and usually sadly there isn't so I put out a call to some fantastic online friends through our ravelry RAOK group to see if anyone would be able to send Cassi a birthay card or note, well the response was overwhelming, people are so kind and Cassi had so much fun opening all her letters and even a few special little parcels as well, she received 20 cards on her birthday!
I was taking pictures as she opened gifts and cards, but then there was a knock at the door and she really couldn't wait so I missed lots!
To anyone and everyone who sent Cassi cards, gifts and the couple who sent her a little bit of play money she had so much fun and YOU made a huge difference in 1 persons life, cassi has a tendency to depression and her birthday is always a sparkpoint so I am so grateful to you all.
My goodness, she is beautiful! those cheek bones are to die for.
This post made me so teary, it is so lovely to know that there is kindness in this world and this is such a beautiful example of it.
Happy Birthday Cassie
Hi Kenbeni, Thanks so much for your lovely well wishes for my DD, I will pass them on!
The kindness of ravellers amazes everyday, it is like a collection of all the good in one place!
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