Thursday, 6 January 2011

6th January 2011

Okay so I happened to go to spotlight at DFO today and was so very, very good and bought zero yarn even though there was some very nice wool reduced from $6.00 a ball to $1.00 a ball and multipacks of 10 balls for $10.00 I walked past and didn't buy any, BUT Michelle, what have you done to me? See what came home with me instead to use with my Christmas gift! I see some sewing in my near future. Now the bright buttons were just cute and on sale and DD really liked them, but what surprised me most was the blue paisley with butterflies, now anyone who knows me knows I do not like blue at all and I really don't care for paisley but these butterflies and the green in the fabric won me over, to the tune of $19.95 per metre fabric!!! I walked out of the store and realised what I had bought and cannot believe I paid that price for a piece of fabric!!! So I better get sewing fast so it is something useable :0)

This is where I got to late last night/early this morning on my parcel sweater-Loving how the cables look :0)

and this is my 2nd mini mochi sock club bag sock which I plant o rip back to reduce the amount of brown as it looks totally different to the 1st sock and there is plenty of yarn with the pretty jewel colours left in the ball :0)


toffle said...

oh I love the buttons and the paisley.
Not my fault I am sure..

Sue said...

It seems you did very well! I like the paisley fabric too. Your cables are looking lovely!

she knits said...

Thanks Sue and Michelle, I am loving the cables and knitting way too late at night to get some done :0)