Where did the year go?
My baby is now one and he is so lovely and gorgeous. He has had a lovely day with his brothers and sisters all being here together at THE SAME TIME! All of them! I forgot to get a picture though :-(
He had Judith and her lovely children and Nadene and her boys and baby taneisha and of course big sisters Rachel and Jennifer were all there together which was lovely.
He received some lovely Mem fox books and a wiggles library bag from Nadene and family and Judith and family bought him a sweet little jacket and Big sister rachel bought him a little rocker which can flip over and be a little desk and big sister Jennofer bought him a scrap yard for Thomas wooden railway.
His present from mummy and daddy was a boxed aquarium thomas Wooden railway set
Happy birthday Logan!!! Too bad mummy didn't get a photo of you and all your sibs. Maybe next year? samm
HI Samm, I got pictures though of Logan, I will upload them. It was so busy with visitors etc that I forgot and it is hard to arrange the older 2 being home together as they have their own busy lives now-lol.
Kind regards, Mel
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