Sorry I have been lost for a little bit, I have been wanting to post for a few days but Logan has been a bit unwell and needing lots of mummy time.
He is smiley and happy this morning though as you an see in his picture modelling his new pants.
I have finished a couple of pairs of longies lately
Here are my Autumn longies, they are the 4th pair of sheepy pants I have made.

I have made my 1st ever scarf and I made it for my mum and amazingly she loves it!

I have made some gorgeous blue and green longies for Logan, he tried them on this morning for the 1st time and I think they look great, These are my 5th pair of Sheepy pants, the pattern is by Mandie harrington of sheepytime knits and you can find the pattern via ravelry

I'm so glad Logan is feeling better now! He looks so sweet in his new longies. I love the colours you chose for both pair. :O) Your new stash yarn is lovely too. And books and patterns! Way to go Mel! I'd love to hear how you like Little Knits. I've considered it but have never seen it. Let me know, 'k? samm
Hi Samm,
I was bad, bad, bad and now I have to be very very good and pay my credit card off-lol. Sometimes it is much cheaper to buy all at once and then pay back over a couple of weeks rather then lots of little parcels with shipping.
I am being good and only looking at 1 new book a day to spread the love out so to speak I will have a good look at the Little knits tomorrow and let you know what I think.
We went for a long drive today and I almost finished another pair of longies-only about 5 rounds of 1 leg to go-yay. If the yarn doesn't run out of course-It will be a close call.
I will post tomorrow.
Glad you like them, It's nice to share with someone who appreciates them ;)
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